Carbon content: 26%
One of the charms of throwing fishing is the exhilaration of shaking off the rod as much as possible. And it is also attractive that you do not know what will hang other than the target fish. A lineup that can be widely used in waves, embankments, and sea fishing parks. No. 15 and 20 can also be converted to sabiki aiming for horse mackerel, mackerel, sardines, etc. at the breakwater. The 25th and 30th are versatile tone that can handle kisses and catch them to flatfish and seaweed.
Rod (fishing rod) type: throwing rod spinning
Total length: 3.60m / deaf: 102cm
Motor: 4
Self -weight: 330G
First diameter: 2.3mm / yuan diameter: 21.5mm
Hammer load: 15-25
Reel sheet position: 66cm
Stainless steel reel sheet
The former guide is a folding type with excellent portability