As a performance wear product from California, the wristband "C. Prime", which has been attracting attention worldwide, including the United States, has a patented (Patent No. 8,106,849) innovative technology, and has a physical balance. It will improve the performance at the speed of light. STRENGTH (strength) is 20 %, Flexivility (flexibility) has an average of 15 %, ballance (equilibrium) has an average of 18-55 %, Performance (performance), and Endurance (durability) are "light speed). "Improve C. Prime is also a favorite of a number of top athletes and a celebrity that practices a healthy lifestyle. * The above results are California Rosanzels "JOEL SCHERR Physiotherapy Center, Dr. Linder Cha, Dr. JOEL.Z.SHERR, T.ERIC YOKOO Physical Headquarters, etc. This is the result obtained by the survey targeted, and it is not a data to prove the effectiveness of each individual. If you feel metal allergies or abnormal skin, please remove the product and consult a specialist. There are some sharp parts in the product, so when you exercise intensely, you will be injured. Please note that there is a fear.